McGrath City Council 2025 Regular Meetings:
Click here for a list of scheduled city council meetings in 2025.
Current list of McGrath City Council Members:
Seat A - Robert "Bob" Magnuson, Sr. (Seat A term 2023-2026)
Seat B - Barbara Deardorff, Vice-Mayor (Seat B term 2022-2025)
Seat C - LaRae Gray (Seat C term 2024-2027)
Seat D - Jesse Morgan (Seat D term 2023-2026)*
Seat E - Mike Tierney, Mayor (Seat E term 2022-2025)
Seat F - Tim Yoder (Seat F term 2024-2027)
Seat G - Joyce Turner (Seat G term 2024-2027)
Office of Mayor - Mike Tierney
The position of mayor is elected by and from the council for a term of one year and until a successor is elected.
The mayor takes office on the first Tuesday after certification of the regular election.
Office of Vice Mayor - Barbara Deardorff
The McGrath City Council elects a vice mayor from among its membership to serve in the temporary absence of the mayor.
McGrath City Council
The McGrath City Council governs the municipality through policies, ordinances, established in the McGrath Municipal Code. The code is modified and updated through an approved public process as necessary to remain relevant to the community’s current needs.
McGrath City Council meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the Cap’N Snow Center. City Council meetings are open to the public.
Here’s a quick overview of the roles of the City Council: Members volunteer their time to act on behalf of all McGrath residents for the good of the city. The council considers issues, proposals and projects throughout the year. These may be referred to a committee for further public discussion. Committees make recommendations. The council works with city staff to plan future activities, projects, budgeting funds and establishing policies.
Does serving on the McGrath City Council interest you? If so, contact the city office at (907) 524-3825. Election Day is the first Tuesday in October. Any seats not filled during the election may be appointed. Appointed seats serve until the next election.
You can reach members of the McGrath City Council by emailing