Subsistence Salmon Permit Information
Attention McGrath residents: King salmon permits will be available at the ADF&G McGrath office beginning on 6/15. This is a voluntary household permit that gives your household the opportunity to go fishing when fishing is closed in the McGrath area. The permit allows for the harvest of 10 king salmon per household. Any fish caught other than kings while using the permit can also be kept. Each household can be issued 1 permit regardless of the number of fishermen in your household. An Emergency Order was announced late last week that allowed for the usage of the permit. The permit can be used now unless otherwise stated by ADF&G via an Emergency Order. Keep the permit on your person if you plan to go out and do some fishing. No permit is required when fishing is open. The permit is free and voluntary. If you have any questions, please contact Chris McDevitt at 378-7876.
See the attachment for updates to subsistence fishing. For more information contact the Bethel office at (907) 543-2433.
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